Cystic Acne - How To Get Rid Of Acne

Cystic Acne Treatments

First, find out what's worked before. No point in trying erythromycin or tetracycline if it failed before.

Also, make sure it's acne and not Rosacea. Two good screens: Retin-A and/or sunlight usually make acne vulgaris better while they often make Rosacea worse. Does your acne get better or worse in the summer or winter ? Sometimes rosacea looks a whole lot like acne. some of the cases of it all the time which have been misdiagnosed. The therapy is very different Metrogen for Months, possibly plus sulfacet and / or tetracyclines.

First line treatment for acne vulgaris is Retin-A plus an antibiotic. The patent on Retin-A has expired, but so far, there are no generics, so it's a little expensive. You can use the antibiotic alone. Erythromycin is prefered, particularly in combination with benzolyl peroxide (which does work alone). It's cheap and it usually works at least for a while. Also, when the patient gets tolerant to it after a year or so, you can rotate them onto another antibiotic until that one does not work. Then when you put them back on erythromycin, it often works again.

Oral or topical: In mild acne start with topical treatment. In cystic acne or in acne that does not respond to topical treatment (most does), usually you will be given oral erythromycin.

An oral teracycline can be used the same way. These tend to mess up the GI flora more, use them if erythromycin fails.

If oral erythromycin don't work, use a brief course of Cipro. It ain't a published indication, but a lot of doctors use it. It does work, and often fairly quickly..

If all else fails for Cystic Acne and very rarely for other types of acne, use Accutane. This is a real pain. It takes several months and can cause a lot of discomfort.

Again, all of this is in combination with Retin-A, except for the accutane. Further, a treatment response may take 2-3 months. sometimes patients on Retin-A will have a flair of their acne at 3-6 weeks.

Cystic Acne Treatments

Cystic Acne Tips

Wash the skin
Avoid oily substances
Shampoo the hair daily
Don`t "pop" pimples
Exercise regularly
Don't stop the acne medicine

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