People that suffering from Cystic Acne have to take care of their skin more seriously. That can insure better health condition of the skin. Thousands of people all round the world suffers form this skin disorder and there are few steps that you can follow to improve your skin health:
Don't touch your acne, this will get your situation worse, it will spread all the germs to other skin areas and it can also leave permanent marks of your face.
Put ice on your acne for three minutes every hour. This will help to shrink the acne and might also remove the pain for awhile. You can also use wet tea bag and lemon. Before you go to bed you can put some toothpaste on the acne area that will reduce swelling and redness.
Clean your skin three times a day. Don't just wash it with water, add a soap. Natural soap that had no chemical is very recommended. Clean your infected skin gently so you will not pop up any pimple.
If you are using makeup it suggested that you will remove it cleanse with an acne medicine to remove oil and dirt from the inside of your skin. If you are wearing makeup you should choose it wisely. The best makeup is noncomedogenic - do not block pores.
Wash the skin
Avoid oily substances
Shampoo the hair daily
Don`t "pop" pimples
Exercise regularly
Don't stop the acne medicine
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