1. at night: Rub a little of the cold cream all over your face whether you wore makeup that day or not. If you're used to fighting zits, this will sound like a horrible idea and will seem a little icky at first. Do it anyway. Doctors say there's nothing in there to neither aggravate your skin nor clog your pores. After working the cold cream in with your fingers, gently remove it with a warm (nowhere near hot) washcloth. Don't use a tissue like the jar says, and mascara stains nice, white washcloths. There will still be an oily film on your face after you wipe the stuff off.
2. After that, wash your face with the antibacterial soap. Again use warm (nowhere near hot) water. The soap also has a glycerin base. The little bit of cold cream left will protect your skin from the drying effects of the soap and the antibacterial properties will kill bacteria that can cause cystic acne. Your skin will feel soft, clean, and not greasy at all. If I use any moisturizer, it's just a little where the crow's feet are.
3. In the morning wash your face with the baby bath soap. Again, we're talking mainly glycerin. It's very mild and will not over-clean. Rather than putting more moisturizer on, try the system for a few days and see if your skin doesn't get better on its own.
Doctors also suggest the following things. First, some Cystic Acne take up to ten or so days to form. If you're broken out today (acne, not a rash), then it might be something you used on your face a week ago rather than what you used yesterday. Also, do not use the hand towel by the sink to dry your face if it's been used to dry your hands after washing them. You would just be putting bacteria right back on your clean skin. For the same reason, you also might want to change your pillowcase more often than you change the sheets on the bed.
Wash the skin
Avoid oily substances
Shampoo the hair daily
Don`t "pop" pimples
Exercise regularly
Don't stop the acne medicine
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