What is Acne?
Acne occurs when the oil glands of the skin become plugged. It is more
common in people with oily skin. Acne occurs in adolescents and young
adults. In acne there are blackheads (the plugs found in blocked-off oil
glands), whiteheads (pimples), or red bumps on the face, neck, and
What is the cause?
Acne is due to over activity and plugging of the oil glands. The main
underlying cause of acne is increased levels of hormones during adolescence.
Acne is not caused by diet. A person who has acne does not have to avoid
eating fried foods, chocolates, or any other food.
Acne is not caused by sexual activity. It is not caused by dirt nor by not
washing the face often enough. The tops of blackheads are black because of
the chemical reaction of the oil plug with the air. Acne usually lasts until
the age of 20 or sometimes 25. It is rare for acne to leave any scars, and
people worry needlessly about this.
How to take care of acne?
Good skin care can keep acne under control and at a mild level:
Wash the skin twice a day using a mild soap, especially after
exercise. Avoid scrubbing the skin. Hard scrubbing of the skin is harmful
because it irritates the openings of the oil glands and can cause them to be
more tightly closed.
Avoid putting any oily or greasy substances on the face. Oily and
greasy substances make acne worse by blocking oil glands. If unavoidable,
use water-based cover-up cosmetics, and wash them off at bedtime.
Shampoo the hair daily. Avoid hair tonics or hair creams especially
greasy ones. These substances spread to the face and aggravate the acne.
Avoid picking blackheads as this delays healing. In general, it is
better not to "pop" pimples.
Exercise regularly and keep fit.
Don't stop the acne medicine too soon. It may take up to 8 weeks for
a good response.
What are the types of acne?
Acne can be classified into four main types: purely comedonal i.e.
non-inflammatory acne; mild papular; scarring papular and nodular or
scarring acne.
Comedonal acne: It is the non-inflammatory acne, which is the mildest form
of disease but can be the hardest to treat. Comedones are usually firmly
seated in the follicle.
Inflammatory acne: It is the mild papulopustular acne, which rarely results
in scarring and typically is responsive to aggressive, twice daily, topical
Wash the skin
Avoid oily substances
Shampoo the hair daily
Don`t "pop" pimples
Exercise regularly
Don't stop the acne medicine
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