Unknown Causes Of Cystic Acne - Yet Preventable:
There are no proven findings that establish the causes of cystic acne so far, but there are some known reasons that triggers and thereby prompt the outbreak in most of the people who are found to be prone to this disease. Cystic acne usually appears as a pimple which is found deep in the skin, particularly in the root of the hair and can render you some painful experience. The skin becomes tender in the area causing a harsh on your skin. These harsh are generally found filled with pus and situations of an attempt to squeeze these pimples to get rid off can result in severe pain and can affect the condition more badly.
Research and Studies What They Say:
So far, researches have proved that genetics had a significant role as one among the causes of cystic acne, if acne existing in the family. When the people pass the different stages of their growth, it is usual to have some hormonal changes and this may cause an outbreak of cystic acne. During the pregnancy period or menstruation period, there will be some significant changes in the hormonal level and these changes can also cause cystic acne. Similar is the case when one is using the birth control pills. These are all some natural body functions that have been proved to have link for the causes of acne. There are some other controllable causes to cystic acne too which has been identified.
Though over stress has not proved to have direct link to the causes of cystic acne, but any type of the emotional upsets can trigger an acne outbreak or cause an aggravated situation of existing problems with acne.
Too Conscious on Cleaning - Make it Worse:
Most of the people usually believe that cleaning their skin using some harsh cleansers and scrubbing too hard and often cleaning will do to keep away the acne, but in fact it will make the acne outbreaks more worse. Often cleansing will make our body's natural mechanism of moisturizing the skin, out of work and it may lead to the causes of cystic acne.
Impacts by Oil:
Use of oil based skin products and other greasy and oily skin care products may tend to block the pores of the skin which may lead your skin to an outbreak of acne. When the acne grows under the skin and the formulation of pus is accumulated under the skin surface, the functioning of oil glands loose balance and the surplus oil is blamed to be one of the causes of cystic acne. Generally, acne is caused when the glands which support our skin hair to grow above to the surface of the skin will be blocked by sebum causing some pimple near the skin surface. Under the skin, a cyst will be formed at the root of hair follicle.
As a normal tendency one will try to squeeze this surface blemish to remove it faster. Trying this way will make the cystic acne worse and also the bacteria will be pushed deep in to the skin. The greatest way to contest with cystic acne is to know better this menace and take adequate precautions which prevent them from forming.
Wash the skin
Avoid oily substances
Shampoo the hair daily
Don`t "pop" pimples
Exercise regularly
Don't stop the acne medicine
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