We all want to have a clean and clear skin. Acne prevents our dream to come true. When everything go wrong. You can have acne on any part of your body which includes face, arms, chest back and pretty much every other body part.
It is very important not to use all those miraculous remedies and dangerous formulas. Most of them have chemicals that you don't know if it's save for you to use. Therefore you should be very careful about what you are using as an acne treatment. Acne is not only a temporary skin disease it should considered as a health problem.
Every one of us has different skin, for example some might have mild acne which can be removed very easily. All you have to do it to wash your face with soap and clean warm water two times a day. Exfoliating soap is also a good suggestion. Keep your skin clean and let your skin breathe easy.
Medium acne is the type that cover almost all your face. You can heal your skin by your own but it advised that you will consult a doctor and prevent it from getting worse. The treatment for medium acne is again by keep your skin clean and making sure that you don't block the skin pores. Another way to handle it is by taking prescription drugs so the acne will not spread all over your skin.
Severe acne (cystic acne) is defined by big size pimples and they are filled with pus. They are very painful and also can leave marks and even scars on the skin. The treatment for severe acne is much more longer and different. The beginning of the treatment series is with oral medicines and than it can also leads to surgery.
Now that you know the three different acne levels you can take action as soon as possible.
Wash the skin
Avoid oily substances
Shampoo the hair daily
Don`t "pop" pimples
Exercise regularly
Don't stop the acne medicine
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